Appointment Policies Prevent Misunderstandings
We don’t want to overburden our patients with rules and regulations and certainly don’t want to be their parents when it comes to keeping appointments. There comes a time though, when we must draw the line in the sand; some patients don’t keep their appointments and cancel at the last moment becoming the norm instead of the occasional mishap.
We respect our patient’s time and busy schedules by striving to be on time in our scheduling. If you are in pain, we will see you that day to treat your discomfort. When you make an appointment we will find a time within our schedule to accommodate your schedule. Because the appointment is reserved just for you we ask that you arrive on time. We consider your appointment confirmed when we schedule it. If you need to change your appointment we require a 48-hour notice (within normal business hours).
To help patients remember their appointments we have an email or text service along with cards and phone calls. If you receive an email or text, please opt in or click on the confirm button to let us know you have received the notice. If you receive a phone call, please call back to let us know that you have received the courtesy reminder.
Repeated last minute cancellations or broken appointments are not accepted in our practice and may result in a charge to your account.
For future dental hygiene appointments, please let us know if you change your address, phone numbers, email or other contact information. We will send a postcard reminder followed by email, text or phone calls to remind you of this very important upcoming appointment.
We appreciate the opportunity to help you to achieve great health and always welcome your comments on how we can improve your experience in our practice.
When patients understand your policy and that you cannot easily reappoint them, they are more likely to be compliant and less likely to cancel their appointments.