Jamie Brandon has been with eAssist since July 2016.  Her first dental office job was in 1998 and she knew right away it was a perfect fit for her.  As a child Jamie loved brain games and puzzles, she applied this to every assignment ranging...

While HR leaders and hiring managers may not intend to exclude older workers when they use these common phrases in job descriptions and interview assessments, that can be the unfortunate result, experts say. Words to Watch Why They Matter “Digital native” May discourage qualified applicants who didn’t come...

Excerpt from the Society of Human Resource Management article link below: https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/employee-relations/pages/resume-lies-.aspx When checking out a resume, start at the top, with the applicant's name and address. "If a candidate is lying about their name or address, what else are they hiding?" she asked. Identity checks can be done...

Yearly Report Recommendations: Insurance Utilization: Have you ever heard anyone in a dental office state that their insurance companies pay them more than they’d like? I didn’t think so… The Insurance Utilization report helps you analyze what insurance companies pay you so you can decide what...

Dental Billing