Jaycee Brown

Jaycee Brown

Director of Communications

Code Tip: Which code for this crown?


The dental lab provides a full contour zirconia crown cemented to a titanium base abutment for a screw retained restoration, do we use code D6065 (implant supported porcelain/ceramic crown) with costs for both the abutment and implant crown? Or, do we code and bill separately the abutment as D6056 and crown D6065?


Code: D6065 Implant Supported Porcelain/Ceramic Crown
A single crown restoration that is retained, supported and stabilized by implant.

It is not an “abutment supported” code because the restoration attaches directly to the implant body and does not have an abutment that connects the crown to the implant.  You would also bill D6056 Prefabricated Abutment.

eAssist Helpful News and Billing Tips; Edition #121


  • You have contradictions in your answer here. You wrote that code D6065 is a “restoration attaches directly to the implant body and does NOT have an abutment” , and yet you are billing for an abutment? The book CDT 2018 coding companion from ADA also says it does not require an abutment like you and discussed that insurance company will not pay for both codes D6056+D6065. They will pay for D6056+D6059 though

  • You have contradictions in your answer here. You wrote that code D6065 is a “restoration attaches directly to the implant body and does NOT have an abutment” , and yet you are billing for an abutment? The book CDT 2018 coding companion from ADA also says it does not require an abutment like you and discussed that insurance company will not pay for both codes D6056+D6065. They will pay for D6056+D6059 though

  • When inserting a TiBase (2 piece abutment) implant system are there different codes for both pieces of the abutment?

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Dental Billing