How eAssist Changed My Life – Cindi Lignell

I found eAssist when I was searching online for work at home options. 

Working in a dental office for 15 was taking a toll on me.  The office I worked in was very busy and very noisy.  Drama? Yup!  The stress was intense, and causing health issues as well. Stress Hormones Flowing thru my Veins, Blood Pressure up, Pre-Diabetic, Anxiety, Tension.  It was a health crisis waiting to happen.  

I honestly believe working for eAssist has saved my life – at least saved me from an early demise.

There is no drama from co-workers colliding.  There is no trauma because the schedule falls apart.  There is no phone ringing while the music is playing, while the drill is whirring, while the Cerec machine is singing, while co-workers are chatting, while kids movie is going, while the Hygienist is instructing, all while trying to post payments, check patients in and out, send claims, follow-up on aging insurance claims, and do billing and collections.

It is so quiet and peaceful working from my home! And NO, I do not turn on any music!

I love being able to be detail oriented and to focus without interruption.

I love working from noon to the middle of the night.

I love managing my own business.

Most of all I love the positive, encouraging, uplifting company that eAssist is.  These people are willing to put in the effort required to give their offices more than they expect. The energy others invest inspires me and continually makes me want to be a better person.

Life is Good Working with eAssist!


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