eAssist Spotlight- Sarah Margolis

Sarah Margolis has been with eAssist since February 2016. She has always felt that being a working parent was important; it would allow her to show her kids that it is important to contribute to society as well as being a parent. Of course, there is the downside of being late to work, missing dinners and important school events that made being a working mom difficult. In addition, being a military spouse can be challenging when you want to advance in a career. Her life was shifting, her spouse was deploying and she had three small children at home. Sarah realized she might need to consider pursuing a career that would allow her to work from home, that is when she applied to eAssist. Being in the dental billing industry allows her to feel like a part of the healthcare field without the blood or guts. Sarah says “I also really enjoy feeling like I’m fighting for the doctor so they are compensated properly and for the patient so that their insurance provider actually provides what they should. Like standing up for the good guys!” She enjoys being an eAssister because of how straightforward it is, she doesn’t have hoops to constantly jump through. “Now I know that my doctors and my team trust me so I can just kinda “gitt’er done” and put money in my doctors pocket……at 2am if I please.” An interesting fact about Sarah is she can speak, read, and write in Hebrew fluently. Caramie Rice, Sarah’s Regional Manager, says this about Sarah. “She has truly impressed me. Sarah has been working day in and out on a very particular account in which scans were backed up for a very long time. She has been working hand in hand with the doctor to get through this build up and is doing amazing! Each day she is presented with new tasks for this office along with her daily responsibilities and handles them all quickly and efficiently.”

eAssist Helpful News and Billing Tips; Edition #119


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Dental Billing