How to protect your practice and patients during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic
In the wake of the panic and spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the United States, many dental practices are closing their doors to help halt the spread of this disease and protect their patients, team, and communities.
However, in many states, Coronavirus (COVID-19) has barely had an impact on day-to-day functions for dental practices, so they remain open—while taking extra precautions to protect their team and their patients from this deadly virus.
It is important to note that the ADA, the White House, and many local and state-level governments have recommended, suggested, or enforced the shutdown of dental practices. We fully encourage all eAssist clients and friends to follow these guidelines and ask that you use your best judgment and act to protect your patients and community at this time.
However, if you decide to keep your doors open, there is no question that additional precautions and protections must be put in place. The spread of the Coronavirus is multiplying each day, and it is our responsibility, as American citizens and members of the dental healthcare industry, to protect those vulnerable to this virus.
One of our clients has made the difficult decision to keep their practice open at this time and shared the communication to their patients for additional precautions they are using at this time.
Office Policy Regarding COVID-19 Coronavirus
As you are aware, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued warnings and precautions to healthcare providers worldwide regarding coronavirus.
We are taking every precaution necessary to limit the exposure of any virus within our office, and we ask that you help us by participating in these precautions.
1. Upon your arrival at our office, we kindly ask that you use the hand sanitizer we have provided.
2. Please disinfect your hands prior to using any pens to fill out any documents we may need from you.
3. If using the restroom or exiting and reentering our office, we ask that you use the hand sanitizer provided upon reentry.
4. Please inform us if you are currently experiencing a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing.
5. Please note that we will be limiting social distance, including handshaking, as a means of decreasing possible transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).
6. Please inform us of any recent travel outside of the United States to areas considered level 3 precaution by the CDC. This includes the following countries: Italy, South Korea, Iran, and China (as of March 5th, 2020).
7. Also, please inform us if you have traveled within the United States.
We thank you for your consideration and participation in these office policies.
You can download the PDF document for your own use here: Office_Policy_Regarding_Coronavirus
Richard Fischer DDS
Dear sirs, I attended you webinar on practicing during the Covid pandemic last week. Great info. You also mentioned you would be sending the attended a Covid19 Cleanliness Certificate today. I would very much like to get one, suitable for laminating & posting in my office. Many thanks for your leadership! sincerely, Dr Rich Fischer