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Amanda Cross

Marketing Manager

Secrets of Management Success – How We Do It

Dental accounting and office management is no easy task. A continuously evolving industry landscape means playing to your strengths and being able to roll with the punches. Typical principles of management tend to focus on a narrow set of ideals for communication and delegation, but any dental office manager knows that we need more than that in order to foster long term success.

How do we do it?

Long term business goals shouldn’t focus solely on company profit, but the productivity that comes with it. Progress begets profit. Finding newer, more efficient ways to complete tasks helps everyone to accomplish their goals, and sometimes in business it really is “the little things” that matter:

  • Call attention to any roadblocks and what needs to happen “right now” to remove them.
  • Make sure your employees know that “any time is a good time” to discuss issues, no matter how seemingly inconsequential. Make the time, schedule the meeting, and seek to fully understand from their side before inviting your own thoughts.
  • Cultivate a corporate culture of accountability, and celebrate all the wins: big or small, by having all of your employees feel included in tasks.

At eAssist, our core values work to nurture a positive corporate culture that reflects on individuals across the company, from our dental accounting SCs to the marketing team. One of the major components of this is servant leadership.

Secret to Success: Servant Leadership

Servant leadership embodies one simple idea: “Seek first to understand, then to be understood”. In business and our personal lives, this phrase guides us to prioritize empathy over our initial judgements when we’re presented with a conflict. When it comes to management communication, our own Servant Leader and CEO, Dr. James Anderson, says it best: “Respect that the people doing the work know best how to do it better.” Delegate tasks as necessary, but never get too caught up in telling people what to do. By doing so, you’re stifling the creativity and innovation that you need to succeed, and your employees will hold themselves to YOUR standard, not the company’s. It’s much easier to insert ourselves into conversations and just to have something to say rather than contributing to completing the task at hand, so it’s worth taking a step back to better analyze the situation.

Proving your worth with real work

At eAssist, we have grown to understand the importance of ensuring that our management team has the tools that they need for success, all the while holding themselves accountable for the decision making process. Our Success Consultants (SCs) work toward one goal: success. Our 4.6/5 average rating on Glassdoor is a testament to the hard work, effective delegation, and proper communication that our SCs exemplify. By holding your staff accountable, you’re giving them the opportunity to be the best version of themselves for your business, and positive representation –whether on social media or within your community- is important.

Curating a forward-thinking future

By assuming that what has always worked will continue to work for your business, you lose opportunities to become a better person for yourself and your employees. Clearly, the secret to success is no real secret.  Never stop innovating, and never be afraid to admit that you should make changes. Whether you find yourself needing to work on your employee communication strategies, customer service relations, or general overhead management, there are always steps you can take to look forward to a profitable, progressive future.



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