Still Waiting on Insurance Companies to Get Paid? Make a Change with eASSIST.

Watching and Waiting…For What?

I must confess I have a strange hobby. I collect retro video games, usually by purchasing them online. Waiting is always the most excruciating part. Time seems to slog by without any word on the arrival of my package, and as a result I tend to lose my patience. If that’s not enough, I have had packages not show up at all. It’s situations like this you could fry an egg on my head just like in an old cartoon.

All things considered, waiting for or even losing a package in the mail pales in comparison to not getting paid for your work. So why do insurance companies seem to put this stress on dentists by withholding certain payments for services they perform? It can be more than just a little frustrating waiting for payments on a service and never receiving it. In fact it can be downright stressful, keeping you up at night wondering if you will ever get paid. Forget the lost package; how will you get back lost profit?

Problem: Cash Flow Negative

The problem of slow cash flow lies in the stress and workload that is being put on your front office staff. If your staff are shouldering the burden of both patients and dental billing, it is likely that one or the other is not being given the attention it needs. Dental insurance billing is an ever changing landscape with frequent software updates, changes in policies, and new codes making for more hang ups on the way to you getting paid. Expecting your staff to not only focus on patient care but dental billing as well is a large burden even for someone who is knowledgeable in both.

Solution: Outsource to the Best

Companies like eAssist specialize in making sure you get paid faster by insurance companies. Our dental billing experts handle issues that arise with unpaid, denied, and delinquent claims. Claims are always submitted within 24 hours. Best of all, with claims being submitted promptly and efficiently you will see your collections ratio grow and cash flow run smoothly with little to no interruptions.

With you and your team free of the shackles of insurance billing responsibilities you can rest easy. You and your staff can focus on patient care while we focus on dental billing. If you are hesitant to outsource, check out our website at, and find out exactly what eAssist can do for you and your business.


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Dental Billing