Survey Says: Dentists want an interesting topic for a CE course
According to a national survey by Roger Levin Consulting Firm
Topic is the #1 determiner of continuing education (CE) for dentists. More than two-thirds of general practice owners (68%) ranked subject matter as more important than any other factor, according to the latest Dental Economics–Levin Group Annual Practice Survey (figure 1).
Figure 1: Most important factors to dentists when choosing CE
Their response shouldn’t come as a surprise. In an age of specialization, dentists are trying to improve specific skills, develop new capabilities, and enhance their proficiencies in targeted clinical and non-clinical areas.
Tied for second in importance were educator and location, both at 37%. On this question, respondents could select up to two answers. Cost was viewed as the least important factor, with only 24% of dentists choosing it.
Today, dentists have a multitude of educational options available, from online courses and webinars, to trade shows and big meetings, to seminars in exotic locations, to those within driving distance. With so many choices available, dentists want subject matter that appeals to their unique situation and interests.
Author’s note: Look for a fuller discussion of this year’s survey results available in the September issue of Dental Economics and on