The following is the reason eAssist is the answer to dentists’ worst nightmares!
Excerpts from a real recent Dental Town post:
Has anyone dealt with anything like this? Front desk employee has repeated insurance submission and posting issues especially on patients with dual insurance. She has claims going to wrong company or on wrong patient, or the wrong patient is primary or secondary on the spouse’s plan, etc. Some accounts not marked properly so that patient may be a secondary under spouse but entered as their own plan, etc…… Posting insurance isn’t much better, going to wrong person or not attached to claim properly.
This has created a clean-up nightmare for my wife, who is trying to find mistakes and clean up, but has to find old eobs and go through all transactions. So many accounts are messed up.
She always has an excuse- mainly the computer or she doesn’t know it got changed or how it went to wrong insurance….. We think she had to change how insurance was set up in account for some reason. She says she only puts in what patients tell her they have. I think there may be some older claims that need resubmitting but are over a year old!!!!
Has anyone had these issues with anyone and how to clean these problems up and know how to best show someone how insurance works???
We know the answer to this problem; it is eAssist dental billing services to the rescue!