Word from the CEO- April Showers Bring May Flowers

By: James Anderson, DMD, CEO

How many times I have heard this saying over the years I can’t say,  but I have heard it a lot. I believe someone was very tired of the rain and was looking for a positive outcome in the form of flowers.  When flowers start blooming it is also the sign of spring or rebirth after the cold winter.

If you have been dormant throughout the winter and now want to bring about your own changes to improve your lifestyle, April is a good time to start.

Maybe you want to get away from the computer and get outside and run or walk.

Maybe you want to organize your home office space, get rid of clutter and bring in some fresh flowers and a new perspective.

Maybe you want to prioritize and time manage your work better so that you can spend more time with family.

Whatever you wish to do to bring about positive change, the outcome should be great.

Wishing all of you in the eAssist family a very happy and productive springtime.

eAssist Helpful News and Billing Tips; Edition #122


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