eAssist Spotlight- Padgett Presley

Padgett Presley applied to eAssist in October of 2017 and was placed with her first office in January of 2018. She finds dental billing to be really interesting and enjoys it because it is really what allows the dentist to be a dentist! They do not have to worry about their insurance claims being paid when they have an amazing group of people in the eAssist community doing all the hard work for them. Padgett loves being a part of that! She applied to be an eAssist contractor with the hope that she would be able to do what she loves to do while working from home. She thought it was too good to be true, and there are still some days that she cannot believe how amazing this company is! She is still surprised that it is actually true.

Her favorite aspect of being an eAssist contractor is being able to set her own hours and work from home. She loves grabbing a cup of coffee and walking into the other room to get going with her day. Padgett likes to craft. DIY projects are relaxing for her, and she especially loves to crochet, working from home gives her extra time to do that!

Padgett’s RM, Jackie, says this about her. “Padgett is newer to eAssist and has just hit the ground running. She’s so detail oriented, asks questions when needed (doesn’t suffer in silence) and is knowledgeable to boot. She’s such a pleasure to have in my region and I am thrilled to have her in eAssist!”


Dental Billing Tips and News for Pros; Edition #128


  • I Love working with Padgett., she knows her stuff, gets right to it. And she is such a sweetheart….

  • I couldn’t have asked for a better AE for my first assignment with eAssist! Padgett has a great work ethic and a great sense of humor! I always know that she is 100% committed to getting the job done, and is always willing and able to help out our offices and myself whenever needed. She goes the extra mile with a smile!

  • I couldn’t have asked for a better AE for my first assignment with eAssist! Padgett has a great work ethic and a great sense of humor! I always know that she is 100% committed to getting the job done, and is always willing and able to help out our offices and myself whenever needed. She goes the extra mile with a smile!

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Dental Billing